(Only for Miami) The prices for the Carillas de Resina Compuesta ranges between $4,500 – $5,500 and can last up to 10 years. The price in Porcelain Veneer ranges between $9,000 – $11,000 and can last up to 10 years. To schedule your design appointment date there is a required non-refundable deposit of $2000 for Carillas de Resina Compuesta and $2000 for Carillas de Porcelana. The deposit goes towards the total amount of your design. Required clinicai ( EG: Filling, root canais, extractions, gum cutting, bite lifting, etc.) is not included in the design price.
Carillas de Resina Compuesta patients need to remain 3 business consecutive days not including weekends if NOT major clinical work is needed it.
Para las Carillas de porcelana los pacientes tienen 2 opciones:
Stay 5 business consecutive days (if not extractions are needed it)
Come 2 or 3 business consecutive days to cover clinical work
Venga 5 días hábiles consecutivos para cubrir el trabajo clínico y regrese por 2 días hábiles para la instalación final