Composite resin veneers are a non-invasive aesthetic dental treatment. Thin sheets made to measure are applied, in order to provide the optimal aesthetic and functional modifications.
The treatment is faster since it can be done in a single visit.
Their cost is lower since they do not have to be sent to the laboratory for processing.
This type of veneer can be corrected or reshaped and restored in case of fracture.
This type of dental veneer does not require a large size of the patient's natural tooth, thus being able to keep more glaze.
A perfect smile increases our self-esteem and helps improve our quality of life.
Porcelain veneers are thin sheets made of this material that are placed on the outside of the tooth and are intended to improve its appearance. They are used to modify aspects such as the shape, size, position, and color of a person's teeth. They serve fundamentally to incredibly improve the smile of each patient..
Porcelain veneers are of better quality than composite veneers. •Does not change in color or shape over time.
Does not require maintenance in the practice.
They are very resistant to breakage and wear.
Increases self-esteem. Smiling with security and confidence helps us improve our quality of life.
The dental crown is a dental prosthesis made to measure for each patient. They are like small caps that allow us to completely cover a tooth that has been damaged for various reasons. Today, thanks to Cad/Cam technology, we can make a single appointment.
Prevent a tooth from fracturing after a root canal.
Repair a chipped tooth.
Provide support for a removable prosthesis.
Improve the appearance of an abnormally shaped tooth.
Rehabilitating a tooth today with a crown prevents tooth extraction in the future.
A dental bridge is a fixed partial denture. Thanks to its placement, patients who have lost more than one tooth can see aesthetics, phonetics and chewing restored.
Cheaper than a dental implant.
Helps prevent the mobility of neighboring teeth.
Improves the patient's masticatory function and aesthetics.
No downtime required and can be done in just two office visits.
Gingivoplasty is used to reshape the gums, correct the size and shape of the gums, achieving a more aesthetic gingival contour.
It would be possible to discover more of the dental piece.
A significant improvement will be achieved in the smile, which will be more aesthetic and proportionate.
It is a painless, predictable and fast surgery.
Very satisfactory and visible results are usually achieved.
A dental filling is a restoration of a tooth that has been damaged by decay. When this treatment is carried out, caries are eliminated and the functionality of the dental piece is restored.
Allows to avoid the evolution of caries.
Achieves a natural aesthetic very similar to the tooth and is a more biocompatible material.
It is a material with good resistance to chewing forces and great durability.
Getting a filling today avoids a root canal and crown in the future.
It is a dental procedure to save a tooth by removing dead or decaying nerve tissue, as well as bacteria from inside the tooth.
Complete elimination of the infected part and with it, elimination of pain.
It is the perfect way to repair a tooth without having to extract it.
Materials used for filling and reconstruction are biocompatible.
Prevents future discharge
The dental implant consists of and replaces the roots of the teeth with metal pins and replaces the missing or damaged tooth with an artificial tooth that has the same appearance as the previous one, fulfilling the same function as real teeth.
The patient manages to recover aesthetic, phonetic and masticatory functionality.
Prevent bone loss as the pins function as roots.
Absence of pain. There is no pain or discomfort at any time during the procedure.
The chewing sensation is similar to that of a natural tooth
Cleaning your teeth by your dentist will remove bacteria, tartar, and other materials that cause bad breath. It can even detect possible dental problems or prevent a problem from getting worse.
Considerably prevents infections and diseases that come from bacterial plaque.
Helps maintain good dental health.
Prevents the loss of dental pieces due to the dentist's review.
Prevents bad breath because if regular oral cleaning is not maintained, there is a greater chance of suffering from halitosis.
Deep cleaning consists of a treatment that allows cleaning the periodontal pockets, a space between the gum and the tooth where tartar and the bacteria that cause periodontitis accumulate.
Prevents bad breath, as it is caused by poor oral hygiene, increased tartar and accumulation of bacteria.
Removes superficial stains, without replacing a definitive tooth whitening.
Reduces inflammation of the gums and prevents periodontal diseases.
A deeper and more detailed clean is achieved than with a toothbrush.
Maxillary sinus lift is a surgical technique that aims to increase bone in the upper arch of the mouth. In this way, an adequate bone base is achieved to be able to place dental implants on patients who do not have sufficient height or bone volume.
They allow the bone to be rebuilt, leaving it as it was before it was lost.
They allow the gum to be rebuilt, leaving it with the best possible aesthetics.
They are the best option for young patients since they allow the placement of implants despite the loss of new teeth years after the bone graft or implant surgery.
Alveolar ridge augmentation is a technique that consists of achieving sufficient volume of hard and soft tissue to improve ridge conditions for future prosthetic restoration and implants.
Maintenance of a stable volume of the alveolar ridge in order to optimize the aesthetic and functional results.
Helps maintain implant stability if there is a lot of bone loss.
Allows good stability in prosthetic restorations by augmenting soft tissues.
A frenectomy is the removal of the frenulum. It is a minimally invasive intervention that serves to correct anomalies in the labial and lingual frenulum.
Return phonetic functionality to the patient.
Helps improve chewing.
Prevents gingival retractions.
Can improve the patient's smile.
An alveoloplasty is a surgical procedure that reshapes and smoothes the jaw where a tooth or group of teeth has been removed or lost.
Preserve the maximum amount of bone, along with an adequate ridge.
Give retention, support and stability to the prosthesis.
Give greater aesthetics and comfort to the patient.
A dental flipper is a partial denture with one or more prosthetic teeth. The material that makes the fins is acrylic denture resin, which resembles natural teeth.
They are less expensive than most other types of partial dentures.
Quick preparation.
Easy to use.
Stabilization of your existing teeth.
A hybrid dental prosthesis is a fixed structure that is screwed onto previously established dental implants. In this way, the patient returns to enjoy the teeth, as well as the lost gums.
The ones that the patient will hardly notice any difference and will feel that they are her own teeth.
The prosthesis may be removed at any time for enhancements, repairs, change teeth etc.
Helps restore the aesthetic, phonetic and masticatory functions of patients.
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